Friday, October 24, 2008

Recipe Friday - Hay Stacks

This week I'm sharing a Kinney Family Recipe with you. I do not know where this originated from, but I do remember the first time I ate dinner at my husband's home when we were dating. This was the meal for dinner and I was positive that I wasn't going to like it, and also that these people were VERY strange. LOL As it turns out, this has become a meal that we eat often in our home. Our little picky eaters just gobble it up. I hope yours will too!

Ingredients:(to feed 4 - 10 people)
1 Can Cream of Chicken Soup (bigger the better)
1 Can Chicken Broth (about half to 3/4 of the cream of chicken soup)
6 cups of cooked white rice
Crispy Oriental noodles (the little crunchy ones in the oriental food aisle)
3 chicken breasts, cooked and chopped (boneless, skinless)

Toppings (all optional)
chopped tomatos
shredded colby jack or cheddar cheese
choppped onion
chopped green bell pepper
sliced olives
chopped celery
almond slivers

Cook up the rice and set it aside in a dish keeping it warm. Cook the chicken - in a simmering pot, empty the contents of the cream of chicken soup and warm it up on medium heat. Slowly stir in about a quarter of the chicken broth. Keep adding broth to the mixture at intervals until the mixture is not too think, but not watery - it needs to be in the middle. You shouldn't use a full can of broth unless it's half the size or less of the cream of chicken soup. Add the chicken to the mixture, turn to low and let simmer for about 5 minutes stirring often.

Ready to eat!
grab a plate and layer it with the items in this manner: Crispy noodles first (this is the base of your haystack) then spoon rice over the top - be careful how much you take, it's pretty filling - spoon the chicken mixture on top - now put your toppings on.

My favorite topppings are cheese first, then coconut, green peppers, tomatos, pineapple.

If you don't like the coconut, at least try the pineapple on there - you will NOT believe how good this tastes!

We like to have friends over for haystack dinners as well - it's affordable to make and feeds alot of people.

Enjoy! Please write comments on my blog about this recipe sharing if you enjoyed it and any variations you may have tried.

Friday, October 17, 2008

New Boutique Template Designs

This week I've added a few new designs to

I created a an Exclusive Template called "My Little Boutique" in browns, greens and a touch of blue. There are NO flowers in this design, but a few swirls. It has a grundge type look, but done in a classy and also whimsical way.

I had a lady email me that she loved the Modern Chic Limited edition template, but wanted it in a brown and green so I created Modern Chic2. This design, like the original, has a retro grundge look with vibrant color combinations. If you need a shop look that expresses the fun and funky to hip products you sell, this is the boutique template for you.

Continuing with my Grundge mood this week, I created "Rock My Grundge" Boutique template. The name? Well you know, sometimes it's hard to come up with appropriate names for these designs, lol. But this one was easy. I said to my husband - "I'm rocking the grundge look this week.." and the name just was there. See if you think it deserves such a name and check it out.

I also had another lady contact me that she needed a fun patriotic colored design. I realize that it's not the time of year for Stars and Stripes layouts, but I thought it would be a nice change of pace. Of course, I still grundged it a touch and modernized it - why not? I made the background on this one a little loud, so rest assured that I made a lighter background as well. So the buyer of this exclusive design has options :)

Recipe Friday - Pizza Casserole

Pizza Casserole is a HUGE favorite at our house. It's easy to make, and everyone will gobble it up - very filling as well. If you have small children, they love to help put this dish together - in fact, the whole family can join in!

Ingredients to feed a family of 6 in a 9 x 13 glass panNOTE: if you plan to use alot of toppings, try finding a glass dish that is a little deeper. I have 4 of them, and 1 is thinner glass but about 1/2 inch deeper than the other two and so it's my favorite for this recipe.

1- 2 TB butter or margarine
1 lb ground turkey or hamburger (we like beef around here)
1 can tomato sauce (you can use pizza sauce if you would like)
1/2 box spaghetti (thin or regular)
Mozzerella cheese (more the better)
Pepperroni slices

Optional Ingredients:
ground sausage cooked up
bell peppers chopped
olives chopped
canadian bacon
cooked crumbled bacon
(just about anything you might put on a pizza actually)

1) First cook the spaghetti noodles in a pot of boiling water as you usually would. At the same time, have your ground meat cooking in another pan.

2) chop up your veggies that you want.

3) Get your 9 x 13 inch glass pan and put a tab or two of butter in there and set it in an oven set at 350 degrees. We just want the butter to melt in the pan.

4) now that all your ingredients are ready - drain the ground meat, drain the spaghetti noodles.

In the glass dish do the following:

Pour in the noodles, and mix them around with the butter. Cover the noodles with the ground meat (if you did beef and sausage, it's good to mix them together here). Next, pour the pizza sauce or tomato sauce over the top. You could sprinkle on additional seasonings here if you wanted to.

Next sprinkle some grated mozzerella over the sauce. Now you can layer on your pizza toppings. We usually start with the pepperoni and canadian bacon then go on from there. Cover with a nice layer of mozerella.

Stick in the oven for 30 - 40 minutes. Check it at the 20 minute mark to see how much longer it needs. The top should be nicely melted and the top sides should be a little toasted/crispy looking.

I hope you and your family enjoy this simple and fun recipe. it's pretty inexpensive to make. You could modify this to be a Vegetarian pizza as well.

10 Days Later...

Do you ever watch SpongeBob? At my house, it's like bread and water. The ongoing little joke with my family is the time thing - how on the show something happens, or SpongeBob and Patrick will agree to not do somethingn and then the screen flashes, and the narrator says "5 Billion Years Later"...

Anyway, that's where my title came from, only it's funny becuase it's TRUE.. 10 Days Later I finally return to my blog. Where have I been? What have I been doing?

Actually... I've been here... and I've been working... and keeping up with life. I've decided to start a Daily blog on here with a different subject for each day of the week - this should ensure that I actually blog something of interest ;) promises though...

Today is Friday so I'll be posting a recipe to share with you shortly!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Raffle Drawing Cancelled...

Today I cancelled the Raffle to Win Drawing at

Kind of bummed...

I had several people email me about it, but noone purchased any raffle tickets so I decided I had to cancel it. I think raffle drawings are great and a wonderful way to give your customers something useful for a very small fee.

However, I realize two things when it comes to web design:
1) People want it and they want it right now. That means that while the raffle idea was terrific, no one really wanted to have to wait a month or two to get their custom design started and get their website done. I can relate.

2) I wasn't able to set an END Date on the Raffle - at least in my mind I wasn't able to do that. Simply because it was the first raffle I'd ever attempted and my website is fairly new so I wasn't sure how much traffic and response it would actually get.

I would have been okay selling 10 or 12 raffle tickets, but anything less than that would have made the loss too great on my end and I would have had to cancel and refund those who had purchased tickets their ticket fee.

Hopefully, as my site gains more exposure, I will be able to embark on a Raffle Adventure once again for my customers. Until then, I've been Slashing Prices throughout my store and hope you'll come by!