Friday, August 28, 2009

Things are working again!

After a few weeks of problems with my site and with PayPal, business is getting back to normal! I caught up my custom orders this week, ready to go live over the weekend. Started working on a few new Premades that I'm pretty excited to share with you - please keep sending me your feedback on my designs - knowing what you like is a great way to ensure that I create designs that fit your needs.

In September you can look forward to a HOLIDAY option on your template! for a little extra, I can make a replica of your Spiffy Boutique Premade or custom and add some holiday flair to it to give your store that "Holiday Wishes fulfilled" feeling.

In other news, as some of you may know - my Grams passed away this past Saturday. She had been quite healthy and it happened rather quickly. She lived down in Arizona in a retirement community where she had many friends and was very loved. My parents live down there so she was never alone. Unfortunately, my dad is having a major surgery on Sept 2nd to remove a mass from his head, so my mom is very stressed right now.

I ask for your prayers for my family - for the strength to endure whatever God's will may be. Thank you

Monday, August 17, 2009

Warning Blocking

It came to my attention this past week that my site at is being blocked by Google. Unfortunately, my pages were somehow compromised and unwanted code was inserted into my pages. I have been working on fixing this issue and am waiting for Google to review my site and remove the block.

Hopefully this will be done soon. Love the internet!! Just LOVE it :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Surely I will survive

In the midst of some very hectic days getting my 7th grader ready for school and my Kindergardner prepared for his big day, I am actually making progress on things around here.

Yesterday I suffered a panic attack due to all the stress with two jobs, back to school, my husband leaving for a 9 day fishing trip, etc. I know I will survive, but right now I'm just ready for everything to get back to the normal grind of kids at school and me at home during the day. A nice quiet sanctuary in which to work. 13 more days... yay!!