Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spending Money on Web Design -

February was so busy that I'm a little stumped with March. It's certainly come in like a lamb in more ways than one!

I've recently been contacted by several people who are hesitant to spend any money on their websites or design needs. I definately understand this hesitation. You can't eat graphics, so it may sound like a waste of money. When I was a kid, I wanted a horse really bad. We lived on a farm, and we had cows, pigs, chickens, ducks, goats, etc. My dad said that the horse was a wasted investment for us because it wouldn't provide milk or eggs or meat for our table. While I understood his logic, there was something that he was overlooking - A horse would provide our family with a bit of fun - myself with a bit of Freedom from the daily work, something to enjoy, a kindred spirit to love and take care of. We had Dogs, certainly we couldn't eat them, so what benefit were they to us, other than faithful companions? Eventually, my dad gave in. Our quality of life was instantly better, because we enjoyed brushing and riding the horses, having a different relationship with them then the other animals that we would eventually eat.

How does this relate to your web site? First, it's like getting new shoes, towels or anything for your home - a new design makes you "feel" differently. When you have positive and healthy feelings about your business, you are a magnet - good things will come to you. Your business will increase - it's simply inevitable. I hear web developers go on and on about search engine results, traffic, etc. And those things are important, there is no doubt - but beyond that, we create our own success. It's a feeling you carry inside of you. If you feel down and out about your business, if you feel that you will fail, you will.

Another thing, putting on a new look to your business tells others that you Aren't Struggling, which encourages more business.It makes you Current - Not Stale.

So stop by and pick up a new "dress" for your online business.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Smockadot Kids is live!

Just went live with this adorable custom designed template for Wendy of! I hope you enjoy it Wendy, I look forward to shopping your stocked shop!